REVIEWS COOL MANIA customer rating

User reviews of Cool-mania store. Customers reviews (rating) of Cool Mania eshop both positive and negative. Write your review and experience about shopping here! 

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Reviews of COOL-MANIA (16)


Reviews of COOL-MANIA

Great satisfaction
Translated from: cs
Željko Anušić

Reviews of COOL-MANIA

Fast delivery, excellent packaging, the card is TOP.

A sincere recommendation to everyone.

Translated from: hr
Viliam zeman

špionažne okuliare



Order: 159863

Reviews of COOL-MANIA

Very good site! And quickly it went along! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

World class! So damn happy! THANK YOU 🙏🏼

Order: 153605 Translated from: sv

Reviews of COOL-MANIA

Smooth ordering process
Very friendly customer service
Order: 145916 Translated from: sv
Mr. Karlsoon

Gift for my women

Nice looking web page
Smooth ordering process

I buy product from this e-shop as a gift to my wife and I am really very satisfy with whole process from advice, ordering to delivery. They try to do their best to satisfy customers. W

No name

Excellent support and reliable technical service

after warranty repair service

Have my camera for over 2 years and need to reapir it. So I send to them, they charged only 20 Eur for repair and my product is now fully working again. Its very important that they offer also after warranty service and repairs, because not many stores do the same, they usually only sale products but do not offer any service or technical help.

Order: 129087
Your customer

Cool store:)

good product manuals
fast shipping service
prices some quite high
reply to my email takes 2 days

Very positive feedback from my side. Product arrive according description and it works perfectly. Manual for product is really good, because some sellers have very bad manuals, but this is not that case.


Best gadget store for me

Safe place to buy products
unique products offer
Always very professional answers when you ask technical questions about products
Very affordable shipping costs
some prices are quite expensive

Not only products but service are superb, so if you buy something from them you can be sure, they offer you help with settings of product (I buy camera) and need help and technician Mr. Kovacik was very helpfull to solving every issue. I can buy products lot of cheaper but I was very I havent do that because sometimes service are more needed than product itself.

Order: 124780

Not bad:)

no paypal support, only credit card payment or bank transfer
there is no discount for bigger order - you need to write mail to ask for it.

Its ok, product was delivered in good condition in a few days after order.

Order: 126890

Overall very good

Very friendly customer service
Simply and good looking website
worldwide delivery
they have just a few offline stores (only in several countries)

Very good, easy and convenient shopping experience. I can recommend! I bought translator LANGIE from them and its fantastic

Order: 127432

Simply fantastic

Great service from order to delivery

Simply nothing to complaint to. Everything goes very smooth from process of ordering to delivery. Stuff are really very helpfull.


Reviews of COOL-MANIA

many products in stock
well-crafted product manual
technical support
trouble-free delivery
not everywhere it is possible to pay cash on delivery when taking over the goods
customer support in other languages available only via email, not by phone
online chat is not 24/7 but only at selected times
Order: 127896 Translated from: sk

Reviews of COOL-MANIA

online customer chat directly on the web - connection with their operator
Delivery could be even faster, but the goods always arrive

Everything is fine, customer support can also advise via email. I haven't had a single problem yet that they couldn't fix. Majo also has an online chat available if you need advice really quickly.

Order: 126890 Translated from: sk

Fast and reliable

the goods are in stock
fast delivery
product reviews

Fast delivery of the order, I have been ordering from this store for more than 2 years, so it is verified for me and they have the goods in stock

Order: 125432 Translated from: sk
Petraník Igor

Support even after the sale!

Here I became convinced that the product support does not end with the purchase, but quite the opposite
The employees of the shop are really very professional and accommodating
The product is of high quality and serves as it should
I would welcome delivery by another courier service besides PACKET and Slovak Post.

I bought a monitor with a camera in this store and I needed help with settings, connections, etc. Even though a manual was attached to the product, I needed assistance to connect everything correctly. I can say that they were more than accommodating and helped me by phone and email. This is how I imagine service in this modern age, keep it up

Order: 123432 Translated from: sk